Foundations of Woodworking: ShopBot CNC

Key information

  • 8 sessions + online study

  • Days of the week + Times

  • $1200, includes all materials & supplies

  • Qualifies you to use the ShopBot CNC and basic woodshop equipment at Humanmade (Table saw, miter saw, bandsaw, drill press, sanders)

Week 1: A candle holder made entirely with hand-tools

Class description

In this multi-session hybrid training, we help you build a strong foundation in both CNC machining using the ShopBot CNC Router plus train you how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to prepare files for the machine.

Each participant will complete at least 4 finished projects, and also walk away with a wealth of knowledge about how to tackle projects from scratch. You will also gain access to digital resources that will help you continue learning and practicing your skills following the training.

The projects in this class aren’t just for show, each one is selected to build up your understanding of the key software skills and hands-on skills required to set up and use the ShopBot effectively. Most of the skills you learn will also translate directly to any other CNC router.

  • Fusion 360: Learn how to take a simple idea and translate it into a project-ready design using Fusion 360, an industry standard CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided machining) program.

  • ShopBot: Learn how to physically set up and operate the ShopBot. This includes how to hold work on the machine, how to install cutting tools, how to locate your material with the machine, and how to supervise a cut.

  • Materials and tools: Learn about what materials the ShopBot can handle and what cutting tools are required for different operations.

  • Sanding & finishing: Learn how to elevate your finished projects by properly sanding and sealing, and also learn how to navigate the sometimes confusing world of wood finishes.

Class outline

This class consists of 8 in-person sessions along with several online lessons. An active membership is not required, but is encouraged. Below is an outline of the class.

Week 1: Machine setup and introduction to fusion

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4: